We are excited to announce that the 2020 Walk Against Family Violence will take place across Victoria on Wednesday 25th of November.
Although we can’t walk together around Melbourne’s CBD like in previous years, we can still help raise awareness of family violence in our community by participating in a “walk from home” event.
Walk around the block, go for a walk with a friend or participate in a planned local event in your area – it’s up to you. And by wearing something orange – a facemask, hat or t-shirt – you can show your support for victim-survivors and help send a message that family and domestic violence will not be tolerated.
Public health restrictions and limits on public gatherings mean this year’s event will look different but the purpose remains the same – to take a collective stand against family and domestic violence.
Click here to register your walk and get involved in the day’s events.
You can also follow the WAFV Facebook page for updates.
About WAFV
The WAFV was launched 2009 by a group of individuals and community groups passionate about raising awareness of family violence and its impact on society.
Now in its 12th year, the event continues to gain momentum, drawing community support and participation at events and activities held across Victoria.
In previous years, activities have been held across Melbourne including at Melbourne’s Federation Square. Taking a collective stand against family violence, participants would historically take part in a short walk around Melbourne’s CBD.
Held on November 25, the date coincides with the United Nation’s Annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, and marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence – an international campaign galvanising action to end violence against women and girls around the world.

The Walk Against Family Violence is supported by Respect Victoria, and organised by Safe Steps in coordination with the City of Melbourne, Emerge Women & Children’s Support Network, No to Violence, and Domestic Violence Victoria/Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria.