A powerful documentary unlocking the stories which can change lives for young people experiencing domestic and family violence.
Unanswered Calls is an impactful documentary that raises awareness of how we must better support young people experiencing or afraid of domestic and family violence – to ensure no more young people fall through the gaps.
Unanswered Calls offers the audience a glimpse into the experiences of the often overlooked stories of Australia’s youngest victim-survivors of family violence – young people. For the countless voices that have gone unheard, this film confronts the silence that has long hidden their experiences. Through raw, unfiltered accounts of heartbreak, resilience and hope, it compels us to listen and act.
Watch the trailer
Safe Steps acknowledges and deeply appreciates the courage of those who
have shared their personal stories and experiences in this film.
Safe Steps would also like to thank our contributors.
Dr Chelsea Tobin
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
Churchill Fellow
Janise Mitchell
Australian Childhood Foundation
Jenny McNaughton
Berry Street
Professor Kate Fitz-Gibbon
Monash University
Liana Buchanan
Commission for Children and Young People Victoria
Micaela Cronin
Domestic, Family and Sexual Violence Commission
Paul McDonald
Anglicare Victoria
Rivka Martin
Advocate against Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence
Rosie Batty AO
Family Violence Prevention Advocate
Shorna Moore
Melbourne City Mission
Tammy Wallace
Jirrabal Elder
Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
“While watching this film, we ask that you hold back from speculating about our identities, and instead see us as we would like to be seen: an incomplete, inadequate, and sometimes ineloquent portrayal of what it is to be a young person experiencing family violence.
Being part of creating this film has been an act of sharing our truth and of confronting what have been some of the darkest parts of our lives. We do so for all the children and young people who are still living it, for those who never made it out, and for our younger selves who deserved to be supported and were not.
We know that it is in silence that violence thrives. This is the same silence that follows a young person’s unanswered call for help. We want you to do more than listen, we want you to answer our calls with action, that is with us, not for us.”
Find out about our national premiere dates here.
If you’d like to host a screening or register to attend future screenings, contact us here.
Be part of the movement! Share your experience on social media and tag @safestepsfv with the hashtag #FEARISNOTLOVE to amplify the message
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For any enquiries please contact
The documentary will contain stories of domestic and family abuse, which may be triggering for some participants. If you are experiencing family violence in Victoria, please contact Safe Steps on 1800 015 188, 24 hours a day, 7 days per week. If you are in immediate danger, please contact police on 000. You can contact 1800RESPECT any time of the night or day for counselling and support on 1800 737 732

Safe Steps respectfully acknowledges and celebrates the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Victoria and pays respects to their Elders of past, current and future generations.
Safe Steps is committed to ensuring diversity, inclusion and equity are embedded throughout our organisation for the benefit of our clients and our staff. We are committed to a focus on recognising and eliminating discrimination in the services we deliver. Read our Diversity, Inclusion and Equity Statement here.
Safe Steps is committed to creating and maintaining a Child Safe Organisation; ensuring obligations to meet the Child Safe Standards and Reportable Conduct Scheme requirements, as codified by the Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic). You can read more about this commitment in our Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy here.

Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre is supported by the Victorian Government.