Victorians have taken to their local streets wearing orange to show their support for victims and survivors of family violence, and to send the message that family violence and all forms of violence against women are unacceptable.

Scroll down to view an interactive gallery of #WAFV2020 images.
This year, the number of family violence incidents is the highest in Victoria’s recorded history. [1]
Victoria Police now respond to a family violence incident every seven minutes on average [2]. Across Australia, one woman is killed by her current or former partner each week. [3]
“2020 has exposed just how prevalent family violence is across our community,” said Safe Steps CEO Rita Butera. However, Ms Butera has also noticed something hopeful over recent months in Victoria – an increase in third parties contacting the service, concerned about someone they know and wanting to do something to help.
“We have had more friends, neighbours, family, and workmates reach out for support of information on behalf of someone they’re concerned about”, says Ms Butera. “We know that the community wants to do something positive to help, and we’ve seen the difference it can make.”
Due to COVID-related limits on public gatherings, the Walk Against Family Violence took place as a ‘walk from home’ event. Victorians participated as individuals or in smaller walking groups, wearing orange to symbolise a bright future, free from violence against women.
The walk took place on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women and marks the beginning of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence – an international campaign to end violence against women and girls around the world.

Now in its 12th year, the Walk Against Family Violence is supported by Respect Victoria, and organised by Safe Steps in coordination with the City of Melbourne, Emerge Women & Children’s Support Network, No to Violence, and Domestic Violence Victoria/Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria.
Browse a selection of images from the 2020 Walk Against Family Violence
[1]6.7% increase on previous year. Source: Victorian Crime Statistic Agency Family Incidents (2020), available: See also Crime Statistics Agency Media Release 24 September 2020. ‘Increases in Steal from a motor vehicle and Public health and safety offences contribute to increases in key crime measures over the last 12 months’.
[2] Victoria Government Media Release, 22 November 2020. ‘Telling the Story of Family Violence’, Available:
[3] Australian Institute of Criminology (AIC) 2017. The 2017 National Homicide Monitoring Program report by the AIC showed that over a 2-year period from 2012/13 to 2013/14, there were 99 female victims of intimate partner homicide. Women continue to be over-represented as victims of intimate partner homicide, accounting for 79% of all intimate partner homicides.