The 14th Walk Against Family Violence (#WAFV2022) was held in person for the first time since 2019, with the signature event in Melbourne’s CBD and more than 40 local events across the state. It is fair to say the numbers exceeded all expectations!
From Melbourne’s CBD; from Bairnsdale and Warrnambool; and from Mildura to Torquay, thousands of Victorians took to the streets for the #WAFV2022 wearing orange to show solidarity and support for victims-survivors of domestic and family violence and to send the message that family violence and all forms of gender-based violence is unacceptable.
After years of unprecedented demand for family violence services following COVID19 restrictions and lockdowns across Victoria, the message from individuals, communities, organisations, and sector partners was loud and clear – there is never an excuse for violence and change needs to happen.
Safe Steps would like to especially extend our appreciation to our WAFV2022 MC Shaynna Blaze a passionate advocate for women and social justice campaigner and to Respect Victoria for sponsoring the event.
This year’s speakers included survivor-advocate Sandy Pearce; Community Engagement Manager for The Carlton Respects program Adrian Asdagi; actor, presenter, self-worth advocate staunch activist against family violence Farah Mak; Switchboard CEO Joe Ball; Safe Steps CEO Dr Chelsea Tobin; and CEO of Respect Victoria Emily Maguire.
The #WAFV2022 is an annual event recognising the United Nation’s Annual International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. The event marks the beginning of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence – an international campaign galvanising action to end violence against women and girls around the world.
That message was spread far and wide reaching over 4 million people with messages of awareness, solidarity and support hashtag #WAFV2022 on LinkedIn HERE, Twitter HERE, Facebook HERE and Instagram HERE.

Walk Against Family Violence – 25th November 2022 – Farah Mak – Survivor Advocate, Respect Victoria Staff member, Jo Ball – CEO; Switchboard, Shaynna Blaze – Cofounder of Voice of Change and MC of Event, Dr Chelsea Tobin – CEO; Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre, Louse Simms – Executive Director, Policy, Communications & Engagement; Safe + Equal, Emily Maguire – CEO; Respect Victoria
Image Credit; Joel Strickland
This blog post will be updated with more images and videos in the next few days.