Do you have children and need support because of family violence?

Are you worried about someone you know in this situation?

We’re here to help.

Children and young people have their own unique experiences of family violence.

Our specialists often speak to mothers who are worried about how the violence they experience is impacting their children – even when they’re doing everything they can to protect them.

Family violence against children and young people includes physical, sexual, psychological or financial abuse, and threatening or coercive behaviour.

Causing a child to witness or be exposed to family violence directed at someone else is also family violence.

How Safe Steps can help

Our specialists can help with safety planning and individual family violence risk assessments that take into account the specific safety and wellbeing needs of mothers, children and young people.

We can explore, with you, the family violence you and your children are experiencing and the options that are open to you.

Call Safe Steps 24/7 on 1800 015 188 or email to get help.

Useful resources and information for parents and children

The Domestic Violence Resource Centre Victoria has created these online resources specifically for mothers and children impacted by family violence:

Kids Helpline (1800 55 1800) provides free, confidential 24/7 phone and online counselling for young people aged 5 to 25, including this resource for kids:

·        Ages 5-12