Thank you for considering a gift to Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre in your Will.

Leaving a bequest (a gift or donation of any size in your Will) to Safe Steps is an extraordinary act of kindness and a powerful reflection of your lasting commitment to end family violence.

How your bequest will make a difference

Bequests can help Safe Steps provide practical support for women and children escaping family violence. We are incredibly grateful for any gift – big or small – that is left to us.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a bequest to Safe Steps is straightforward.

If you do not have a will and wish to create one, it is a good idea get legal advice. If you don’t have a solicitor you can contact The Public Trustee in your state or territory.

You can also create a quick and simple will with our partner Safe Wills.

If you already have a will, then all you need to do is add a codicil – a short legal amendment to your existing will.

You can choose to give…

A percentage: Giving a percentage of your estate allows you to ensure your loved ones are looked after as well as giving a gift to Safe Steps.

Suggested wording: “I give to Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre ……% of my estate free of all duties and taxes payable at my death (if any) for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of Treasurer or other authorised officer of Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”

A fixed amount: It’s important to note that giving a specific sum of money does not allow for changes in your circumstances or inflation and may need to be changed over time.

Suggested wording: “I give the sum of $……….. free of all duties and taxes payable at my death (if any) to Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre for its general purposes and I direct that the receipt of Treasurer or other authorised officer of Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”

The residue: The residuary is a gift of what remains of your estate, or percentage thereof, after any specific gifts have been distributed and debts paid.

Suggested wording: “I give the rest and residue of my estate OR …….% of the residue of my estate to Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre for its general purposes free off all duties and taxes payable at my death and I direct that the receipt of Treasurer or other authorised officer of Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”

A special gift: Gifts such as a property, shares, paintings or life-insurance policy can also be left to Safe Steps.

Suggested wording: “I give all my share and interest in my home/property known as (insert full address of property) to Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre at my death absolutely and I direct that the receipt of Treasurer or other authorised officer of Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre shall be sufficient discharge to my executors for this bequest.”

Information for your legal representative

The following may be of use to your solicitor:

Business Name: Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre Inc.
Trading Name: Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre
Postal Address: GPO Box 4396 Melbourne VICTORIA 3001
Phone: (03) 9928 9600
Fax: (03) 9928 9601
Legal Entity: Incorporated Association under the Associations Incorporation Reform Act 2012
ABN: 86 138 521 643
Governance: Board of Directors

Australian Tax Office Endorsements: Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre is registered as a Public Benevolent Institution and is endorsed for Charity Tax Concessions (TCC) which includes GST concession; income tax exemption; FBT exemption; the organisation is also registered for Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR).

Get in touch with us

Thank you for considering a gift to Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre in your Will.

We understand what a significant decision this is and we sincerely appreciate your support.

While there is no requirement to inform Safe Steps of your intention to leave a bequest in your Will, we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have about making a bequest.

Do not hesitate to call the Safe Steps Fundraising Manager on (03) 9928 9600.

Please know that any information you provide us with is simply a statement of your current intentions, will be kept in confidence, and is in no way legally binding.